Saturday, January 28, 2012

Wonder Woman: Man Version

After I wrote that title it occurred to me that I should probably clear up right away: this isn't about Wonder Man.

Nope, this one is about Marvel's second-longest running heroic deity. The God of Heroes, the Incredible Hercules.


Jason recently wrote about the launch of the new Wonder Woman series, depicting the Amazonian in kind of a mythological urban horror story. Well over in the Marvel Universe, things are working in reverse. Instead of a woman, their Greek deity is a man, and he's been starring in a mythological urban comedy which is being cancelled right at its peak.

Hercules was introduced into the Marvel Universe back in 1965 with the same title in which Thor made his debut, Journey into Mystery Annual #1. Whereas Thor was regal, noble, and refined, Herc was brash, arrogant, and never shy about showing off his god-like strength. Several times it's been shown that when he really wants to be, Hercules can be as strong as Thor or the Hulk, really only outmatched by them because Thor has lightning bolts and the Hulk is the freaking Hulk.

Pictured: The freaking Hulk.
Throughout his tenure in Marvel, Hercules has been a part of some of the biggest storylines they've ever put out. Since his first appearance, he's been both rival and ally to Thor, a member of the Avengers, the Champions, the Heroes for Hire, and the star of several of his own mini-series about his adventures in outer space. When Atlantis attacked, Herc was there. When Korvac had his saga, Herc was there. When the heroes had their Civil War, Herc played a major role both in saving the entire resistance movement from a Tony Stark ambush and in defeating the clone of Thor, Ragnarok. And when the whole universe was being destroyed by the Chaos King, Hercules was the one hero who stood in the breach and saved all of space and time.

Cool story, Herc.
Also, in the midst of all that, he found the time to sleep with just about every available lady Marvel had to offer.

Not pictured: She-Hulk, Thundra (I think), and probably Tigra.

During the events of World War Hulk, when Hercules was one of the only heroes to say, "Wow, tricking the Hulk onto a spaceship and launching him to an unknown planet was kind of a dick move," the Hulk's own title got shifted to Herc, making The Incredible Hercules the Olympian's first ongoing. Teaming him with super-genius kid Amadeus Cho, Herc revealed a side of him seen all-too-infrequently; the fact that he is both incredibly strong and incredibly hilarious.

For the sake of brevity, let me focus just on what we're missing out on now that his new solo title, Herc, has fallen off of Marvel's chopping block.

- A depowered Hercules fighting crime in Brooklyn using Peleus's sword, the Aegis shield, and Perseus's helmet of invisibility.
- Super-villains Basilisk, Man-Bull, and The Griffon thrown in as bumbling yet well-meaning supporting cast.
- Herc working as a bouncer in a Greek bar while he sleeps with the owner's daughter.
- A Spider-Herc getting it on with Arachne while a webbed-up team of X-Men are forced to watch.
- A depowered, drunk, and overweight Zeus coming to live with Herc, and then relentlessly hitting on Elektra despite her repeatedly beating the crap out of him. After returning to his full glory and having Herc turn down having his godhood restored, Zeus figures he's doing it to impress Elektra, and tells him, "Go get her, son."

Now that's all gone.

This wasn't cool enough for Marvel.
Herc ended with #10 at the conclusion of the Elektra/Zeus story. It fell victim to the same series of cuts which just ended Ghost Rider, X-23, Daken: Dark Wolverine, Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive, Iron Man 2.0, Alpha Flight, Moon Knight, and PunisherMAX. Marvel is gearing up for a universe where every title has "Avengers," "Spider-" or "X" on the cover, and Herc's sales didn't justify it being an exception.

Which is a shame, especially in this case. The last series, Incredible Hercules, had some very poignant moments as Herc traveled across America with Amadeus and his sister Athena. First amongst his tasks was convincing the young and angry Amadeus not to use his genius for evil or revenge, revealing a terrible secret from his own past about how being reckless with his own strength cost him dearly in the past. Another moment was when being confronted by his brother Ares, the God of War shouted in fury that he was pinnacle of godly perfection and Hercules was a drunken, loud-mouthed boor, "so why do they love YOU?"

"No matter how many millions I kill, they just won't warm up to me!"
Herc, after getting over shock about that being the reason Ares hounds him so much, replies, basically, that, "Perhaps it is because I am flawed, but I strive to be more. Perhaps it is because in me, they see themselves."

And that's the basic appeal of Hercules as opposed to Thor; Thor is the perfect hero. Maybe even more so than Captain America. Thor represents not just the best in all men, but the best in all gods, too. He is an untouchable standard, for even though Cap has a basic morality and goodness which no mortal can touch, Thor is the same thing except for millennia-old immortals with unfathomable power. Hercules is different. He's essentially just a mortal man thrust into this realm of divinity, dealing with it as a mortal would. He drinks, he fights, he sleeps around a lot, and when he's not doing that, he stands up for the little guy because he knows that's the right thing to do.

Thor's not a little guy.
Incredible Hercules focused primarily on Herc and Amadeus traveling across America, sharing their woes with women, eating pizza, and having adventures while relating their modern-day exploits to the classic tales of Hercules from mythology. With Herc, they abandoned the divine aspects of Hercules's character, and instead put him in Brooklyn to contend with magical and mythological foes without his powers, but with the same humor and wit he displayed in Incredible Hercules. It delved into the character in ways we'd never really gotten to explore before.

He was always kind of one-dimensional when portrayed in Avengers, portrayed as an arrogant strongman and barely suitable replacement for the oft-absent God of Thunder. There's even an issue where they unveil a statue of the Avengers with Thor standing tall, and Hercules laments being the "token god."

The statue he wanted looked like this, only with Thor crying.
With Incredible Hercules and Herc, we got to see the classic character stripped of the stereotypes writers had assigned him with over the years and watch him shine as a hero in his own right. Now the sun's setting on that, and whatever other fantastic tales were in store for Hercules, we'll have to wait to read until he pops up as a guest-star in some Avengers title, where he'll probably be portrayed as a drunken, loud-mouthed womanizer - which he IS - but without the humor and humanizing aspects which proved this character can be great.

So long, Hercules, and thanks for all the Gifts.

If you like reading David write about comic books, you might also enjoy his writing about video games over on The Backlog.

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